Glacier Series

High Effciency Mono Perc
Half-cut Cell Modules

Glacier G3 series is designed with cutting-edge half-cut cell technology, which cut the cell into half, so is the working current. This helps to decrease the working temperature and hot spot risk, reducing CTM loss, leading to more power output and lower power loss.

Less Internal Loss

Less Internal Loss

Glacier G3 series cuts cell into half with laser, bringing lower working current and minimizing mismatch loss, internal power loss.

Better Shading Performance

Better Shading Performance

Compared with a standard full cell solar panel, G3 is built with two separated solar cell arrays in parallel. This means that the working current is cut into half, and both solar cell arrays are independent, having no impact on the performance of the other half. When shadow happens to the top array of the solar panel, it will not influence the bottom array at all. This can help reduce the power loss by 50%.

Advanced Cell Technology

Cell tech: High efficiency PERC+SE
The PERC cell has a passivated rear side and a laser grooving process, which significantly improves the cell efficiency.

For a bifacial PERC cell, the Al back surface field is replaced by Al grid, hence render the majority of rear side transparent and attain a bifaciality of 75%-80%.

Outstanding low irradiance performance, low power-temperature coefficient, low operating temperature, all these technologies lead to a high energy yield.


325-340W Residential C&I



395-410W C&I




G3 Prime

60 Cell HC 325-340W

72 Cell HC 395-410W

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